Tuesday, January 24, 2012

China’s huge bus

China’s Youngman JNP6250G is one huge bus
How big does a bus need to be? Well, it needs to be pretty big if its aim is to help cut down traffic congestion in the world’s most populated country, China. That’s where the Youngman JNP6520G busses come in. Touted as the world’s largest busses, these 82-feet long behemoths have been commissioned to ferry the people of Beijing and Hangzhou to and from their destinations, cutting down the amount of cars on the road which in turn reduces the air pollution in the country. The Youngman JNP6250G features only 40 passenger seats, but has the capacity to fit at least 300 people. Five doors ensure that people won’t have to walk all the way to the end of the bus in order to get off, and widened aisles allow easy accessibility for wheelchairs. Dedicated highway lanes also let the bus cruise along congested roads – not that anybody would like to obstruct traffic when a bus this large is in the rear view mirror anyway.
أكبر حافلة في العالم تنقل 300 شخص في المرة الواحدة
تفاجئنا الصين دائماً بكل شيء  عجيب ومنه سنرى اليوم حافلة Youngman JNP6250G.  يصل طول هذه الحافلة العجيبة لـ82 قدم وتقل 300 شخص في المرة الواحدة (بدلاً من 40-50 في الحافلات العادية) وتصل سرعته القصوى لـ50 ميل في الساعة . تأتي هذه الفكرة لتلبية احتياجات السكان وللتخفيف من الأزمات والازدحامات المرورية. نأمل أن تطبق يوماً هذه الفكرة في الدول العربية .

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