Thursday, October 25, 2012

Top 4 ways to avoid getting cancer

(NaturalNews) Conventional medicine will never cure cancer. Sad, but true, western-trained physicians are too heavily invested in "treating" disease, while ignoring the true cause of (most) chronic health problems. Let's face it - even if you cut a tumor out of the body or shrink its size - you'll need to know more about curing cancer.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison

Find out how to become cancer free by changing your biological terrain and making it impossible for cancer cells to survive. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour - we'll talk about the best ways to improve the quality of our air, food, water plus much more!

What are the (4) stressors that cause dis-ease
According to Dr. Keith Nemec, there are several factors that promote dis-ease within our body, mind and spirit, such as:

1. Deficiencies - not enough of a nutrient, food, vitamin, mineral, enzyme, water, sleep, exercise, sunlight, oxygen, etc.

2. Toxicity or excess - too much of a chemical, toxin or even a food, vitamin, mineral or exercise. It is the amount that does the damage. For example, there are over 30 chemicals that cause cancer in common house dust.

3. Trama - or nervous system stress in the brain, brainstem, spinal cord or spinal nerves. Our nervous system controls the hormonal system, the digestive system, the elimination system (bowels, liver, kidney, bladder, lymph) and the immune system.

4. Mental - emotional stressors - this can either be chronic lower level stressors or acute high level stressors that cause stored mental emotional patterns in the subconscious mind.

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