Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tree grows fruit from the bottom of the paper

This tree in Tunisia What is the advantage and why carrying a strange name?! Tree is part of Tunisia's forests green sprout under trees and near rocks and wherever sunlight is weak scientific name Ruscus hypophyllum

But Saknoa this jungle not Aaarafunha name: Tree Glory creative They called this name because it grows the fruit of papers But what is the secret of this tree?

What is unique to this property for other types of trees .. !?

To look at the beginning stages of the fruit in this strange tree .. Stage flower form: (It seems clear that Venus is located in the center of the paper)

The truth:

Truth is that the papers that you see are not leaves but are twigs small reduced form leaves it branches serve as the photosynthèse instead leaves because leaves of this plant are very small in the form of fish scales and are yellow or brown and for this, these branches bear flowers and fruits ... In this photo: Notice small true leaves under fruit directly ...

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