Aral Sea .. Know the tragedy that befell one of the largest of the world's seas!
Aral Sea is an inland sea located in Central Asia between Kazakhstan to the north and Uzbekistan to the south, and knew Jgeravio Arabs algorithm Sea.
Aral Sea area was covering 68,000 square kilometers, and a maximum depth of 68 m, and is the fourth largest sea in the world, separated the Oort Aust Plateau and connected to the deserts of com Kizbil and Kara folk sand, hurt where rivers Srdraa and Amodria and the many islands.
Aral Sea area was covering 68,000 square kilometers, and a maximum depth of 68 m, and is the fourth largest sea in the world, separated the Oort Aust Plateau and connected to the deserts of com Kizbil and Kara folk sand, hurt where rivers Srdraa and Amodria and the many islands.

Dissolved Sea environmental problems is that caused the drought large part of this sea, most notably when Russian government decided in 1918 converted two rivers feeding the sea in the north-east of the country to try to irrigate deserts to grow rice, melons, and grains, cotton and other crops,The plan was the most prominent is the cultivation of cotton "white gold" for export, with the result that sea afflicted drought since 1970, has begun detract area gradually became in 2008 covering about 10% of the original size, is expected if the situation continues as it isSea will dry completely in 2050.
This set of pictures of the sea after the drought.
This set of pictures of the sea after the drought.

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