Faroe Islands stunning archipelago located in the far north of Europe .. The most beautiful pictures!!
Faroe Islands archipelago located in the far north of Europe between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, halfway between Norway and Iceland.
Tracking islands Danish crown since 1948, and enjoys autonomy as self-managed most of its affairs except matters of self-defense, and therefore fall within the protection of the Danish army, and it has a small naval force and local police forces.
Tracking islands Danish crown since 1948, and enjoys autonomy as self-managed most of its affairs except matters of self-defense, and therefore fall within the protection of the Danish army, and it has a small naval force and local police forces.

Of the most beautiful villages in the Faroe Islands "village Funningur, and the village of Port, and village Porkeri, and village Vágur, and village Gjógv"

سبحان الله فيما خلق لن يبخل ربي علينا بنعمة كهذه ان نحن عدنا اليه و حرصنا على جعله في قلوبنا "اللهم أرزقنا خير الدنيا و الأخرة ، اللهم آمين" ،،،" ... سلام
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