The female body goes through significant changes during pregnancy and works very hard during the birth of the baby. When a new mother comes home, she is mentally very happy but probably not physically fit. The process of getting a new mother’s body back to shape and in a fit condition takes a little time and should be done gradually and sensibly. To be fit after pregnancy, it is important to allow the excess weight to come off slowly. You should aim to give yourself around six months to get your figure back in shape naturally before trying out restricted diets. In the early days of motherhood your body needs some additional energy and nutrients to meet the extra requirements of feeding and looking after your body. You should never compromise on that.
To be fit after pregnancy, there are simple rules that every new mother should follow, and however difficult it is to find time from a new born baby’s needs, she should try and fit in the following:
1- Eat a wide variety of food, such as milk, cheese, yoghurt, eggs, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes, fish, poultry and lean meat.
2- Drink plenty of water.
3- Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast.
4- Have your meals at regular intervals.
5- Have balanced meals and snacks without too much fat or sugar and nutrition rich lunches and dinners.
How to Get Back a Flat Stomach
The stomach muscles and skin become distended and stretched during pregnancy and child birth, and they need toning up. Pelvic floorexercises during pregnancy helps the muscles to recover quickly after childbirth. Your doctor would be able to guide you according to your specific needs.
Regular bowel movements
Bowel movements sometimes get irregular after childbirth. Eating a variety of fibre rich food ( e.g. wholemeal bead, fibre rich breakfast cereals, fruits and vegetables etc.), drinking plenty of fluids and some gentle exercise like walking helps regularising the system.
The three pilates based exercises that helps immensely to get fit after pregnancy are:
The hundreds: Lie flat on your back with your hands by your side, and legs raised to a 45 degree angle Lift your head and shoulders, with your chin tucked in. Start pumping your arms quickly down, one hundred times.
Side Leg Lift: Lying sideways and with one hand supporting your head, lift both legs up, keeping them together. Keeping thighs and bottom tight, and engaging those muscles, hold for 5 seconds. Return to resting position and repeat 10 times. Likewise on the other side.
Criss cross obliques: Lie flat on your back with both hands under the head and with elbows opened wide. Bring up one knee towards the chest, extending other leg. Lifting head and shoulders off the ground, reach towards the bent knee, and touch your elbow to the opposite knee. Release and reverse legs. Repeat 10 to 15 times, resting in between if necessary.
Please remember that you should introduce moderate exercise after your body has recovered enough postpartum (usually two months), to get fit after pregnancy. And always check with your doctor before you start.
How to Get Back a Flat Stomach
The stomach muscles and skin become distended and stretched during pregnancy and child birth, and they need toning up. Pelvic floorexercises during pregnancy helps the muscles to recover quickly after childbirth. Your doctor would be able to guide you according to your specific needs.
Regular bowel movements
Bowel movements sometimes get irregular after childbirth. Eating a variety of fibre rich food ( e.g. wholemeal bead, fibre rich breakfast cereals, fruits and vegetables etc.), drinking plenty of fluids and some gentle exercise like walking helps regularising the system.
The three pilates based exercises that helps immensely to get fit after pregnancy are:
The hundreds: Lie flat on your back with your hands by your side, and legs raised to a 45 degree angle Lift your head and shoulders, with your chin tucked in. Start pumping your arms quickly down, one hundred times.
Side Leg Lift: Lying sideways and with one hand supporting your head, lift both legs up, keeping them together. Keeping thighs and bottom tight, and engaging those muscles, hold for 5 seconds. Return to resting position and repeat 10 times. Likewise on the other side.
Criss cross obliques: Lie flat on your back with both hands under the head and with elbows opened wide. Bring up one knee towards the chest, extending other leg. Lifting head and shoulders off the ground, reach towards the bent knee, and touch your elbow to the opposite knee. Release and reverse legs. Repeat 10 to 15 times, resting in between if necessary.
Please remember that you should introduce moderate exercise after your body has recovered enough postpartum (usually two months), to get fit after pregnancy. And always check with your doctor before you start.
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