The winner in the Nature Photography Contest for 2012 in the United States!
Palm Beach one of the cities Florida, recently hosted the seventh annual contest for photography, which focused on nature photography and organisms where a main topic in this competition, during the three weeks of the contest attended by more than 1600 people from all over the world who have given their photos. Through a special committee composed of professional photographers and local journalists images were evaluated and selected 30 photos to be the winner in this competition. We follow ...

Splendor of images and beauty amazing thing, choosing the moment and angle image capture, the subject gives them agreed vital and makes them panel-speaking and expressing taste photographer, added to the evolution of the camera and accuracy as well as the quality of lenses made paintings fantastic,,, tributefor all artists and a special tribute to the winners ...Salami
ReplyDeleteروعة الصور و جمالها شيء مدهش، اختيار اللحظة و زاوية التقاط الصورة،موضوع يعطي لها افق حيوي و يجعل منها لوحة ناطقة و معبرة عن ذوق المصور، مضاف الى ذلك تطور الة التصوير و دقتها وكذا نوعية العدسات قدمت لوحات فنية رائعة ،،، تحية تقدير للفنانين جميعاً و تحية خاصة للفائزين ... سلامي